editorial,general D. Bunnell "PC 1984" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 13The editor takes a look at what to expect in 1984.
general,commentary,patent,copyright,trade-secret,law,legal J. Breslow REMark - "A Protective Net Full of Holes" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 17Commentary on patents, copyrights, and trade-secret laws.
artificial intelligence,AI,expert system,LISP,tutorial,insert M. Ham "Playing by the Rules" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 34Tutorial on `expert systems', a branch of artificial intelli- gence. Includes an insert entitled "LISP, the Language of ExpertSystems" by the author. Also, a reading list is given.
artificial intelligence,AI,expert system,LISP,tutorial,insert M. Ham "LISP, the Language of Expert Systems" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 38Insert in "Playing by the Rules" by the author, gives a short description of LISP---the language preferentially used by the Artificial Intelligence community.
IBM PC XT/370,3270,VM/CMS,overview D. M. Tucker "Mainframe PC" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 48A look at the IBM PC XT/370, 3270-PC, and VM/CMS.
Microsoft Windows,mouse,screen,MS-DOS,overview S. Cook "Microsoft Does Windows" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 58Description of Microsoft Windows, an extension of MS-DOS that is scheduled to be released in April. This program provides a stan-dard interface to the mouse and the screen.
Software Fitness Program,Open Systems,accounting,business,review B. Dauphinais "Accounts Usable" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 84Review of The Software Fitness Program (by Open Systems), an in- teractive, integrated accounting system for: sales order, pay- roll, accounts receivable/payable, job cost, inventory, ledger.
word processor,SuperWriter,Sorcim,SpellGuard,review J. Perotti "Write from the Start" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 101Review of the word processor called SuperWriter (by Sorcim). Includes the spelling checker called Super SpellGuard.
Delta Drawing,Spinnaker,graphics,review K. King "Delta Drawing" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 110Review of Delta Drawing (by Spinnaker Software), a graphics programming language that invites comparison with Logo.
book,McGraw-Hill Computer Handbook,review M. Young "McGraw-Hill's Handbook" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 123Review of the book: H. Helms (Editor), THE MCGRAW-HILL COMPUTER HANDBOOK (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983).
ProKey,RoseSoft,macro,utility,DOS 2.0,review B. L. Alperson "Macro Mastery" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 132Review of ProKey (by RoseSoft), with examples of its use with DOS 2.00.
PCPC,power,control,communication,do-it-yourself,project,insert J. Powers "Build a PC Power Control" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 148Do-it-yourself project: to turn on your PC in response to the telephone or at a preset time. Also, an insert entitled "Bypass-ing the RAM Test" by author.
QUICKON,RAM,memory,test,bypass,Security Microsystems,insert J. Powers "Bypassing the RAM Test" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 155Insert in "Build a PC Power Control" by author, describes a hard-ware product (QUICKON by Security Microsystems) that can be in- stalled in the PC (but not XT) for bypassing the RAM test.
word processor,writing,skills,tips,tutorial J. J. Hewes "The Write Stuff" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 168A list of 22 tips divided into five areas covering the basic elements of word processing: writing, editing, formatting, print-ing, and filing (adapted from WRITING IN THE COMPUTER AGE).
CompuServe,CB Simulator,real-time,communication,overview E. Brown "Fear and Lurking on CB Simulator" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 182Real-time communication is discussed with particular emphasis on CB Simulator, CompuServe's version of CB radio.
help,Q&A,calendar,day,week,garbage,collection,VisiCalc,WordStar K. Koessel THE HELP SCREEN PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 1991)BASIC program to obtain `day' of week, 2)Discussion on delays caused by `garbage collection', 3)How to transfer data from Visi-Calc to WordStar.
help,Q&A,MEM2DATA,memory,data,BASIC,MORERAM,speed,reboot,pipe K. Koessel and A. Wilcox (Editors) STAR-DOT-STAR PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 2101)MEM2DATA code dumps memory into BASIC data statements, 2)MORE- RAM code to speed reboot, 3)COMMAND.COM patch uses emulated driveto speed up pipes in DOS 2.0,......continued to next record.
help,Q&A,DISKCOPY,BASIC,pause,timer,WordStar,NEC 350,dBASE,SORT K. Koessel and A. Wilcox (Editors) STAR-DOT-STAR PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 210cont. from previous... 4)Patch to save 12K with DISKCOPY, 5)Pausemethod for BASIC, 6)Clock timer for BASIC 1.1, 7)WordStar/NEC 350union, 8)Better way to SORT with dBASE II.
radiation,VDT,terminal,display,screen,monitor S. Mauk "The Radiation Question" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 230Description of the problems, controversy, and current research associated with radiation emission from VDT's.
education,training,TeleLearning,network,communication,overview L. B. Stahr "The Electronic University" PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 246Overview of the TeleLearning educational network of San Franciscoand the `Electronic University'.
BBS,FC,BASIC,compare,version,help L. Cowan BBS WATCH PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 259Program FC is listed: This program compares two versions of a BASIC program and creates a file that contains only the diff- erences between the two.
PCW Index Volume 1 PC WORLD INDEX VOLUME 1 PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 280PCW articles for volume 1 are indexed by Subject, Author, and by Department. Also, STAR-DOT-STAR has its own index.
index,STAR-DOT-STAR,help,Q&A STAR-DOT-STAR PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 294STAR-DOT-STAR is indexed for Volume 1 of PC World.
editorial,general,PCjr,Peanut D. Bunnell "Is PCjr the Peanut?" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 15General remarks subsequent to the announcement by IBM of the PCjr.
help,Q&A,handicap,ProKey,RoseSoft,keyboard LETTERS PC World84/01 Jan v.2 n.1 23RoseSoft has produced a special version of ProKey which remembersthe <Ctrl>, <Alt> and <Shift> keys until a subsequent (nonshift) key is struck (important for handicapped people).
help,Q&A,bug,assembly,BIOS,interrupt,memory,Scanlon LETTERS PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 23Two errors noted in the article "Mining the System Resources" by L. J. Scanlon (PCW, Vol. 1, No. 8, Nov. 1983).
DBM,DataPath,Satellite Software,SSI,review D. Jenkins "Logical Views" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 34Review of DataPath (by Satellite Software International), a data-base management program.
TV,video,interface,US Festival,edit,BASIC,log,recording W. Claxton "PC-TV" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 48The author took a video interface program written in IBM BASIC tothe US Festival with the assignment: interface the PC with video recording equipment and create a log for a documentary.
communication,unattended,software,BBS,tutorial L. Jordan "Remote and Unattended" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 66Tutorial on "unattended" communications software by the coauthor of the book COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING FOR THE IBM PC (Brady and Co).
PCjr World,debut K. Rietmann "PCjr World" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 94Special Report: Announcement of insert supplements to PC World that will be known as "PCjr World Magazine". [Note: Letus A-B-C will abstract PCjr W. as a separate magazine starting next month]
PCjr World,overview,photograph K. Seger and F. E. Davis "IBM's Home Run" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 96Overview (with photographs) of the PCjr. [Special Report: PCjr World Magazine supplement (insert)].
PCjr World,DOS,BASIC,IBM PC,compatible A. Mello "Old Faces in New Places" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 102DOS/BASIC compatibility between the IBM PC and the PCjr is discussed. [Special Report: PCjr World Magazine supplement (insert)].
PCjr World,peripheral equipment R. McManus "PCjr Arrives with a Crowd" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 108A look at the peripheral equipment available for the PCjr. [Special Report: PCjr World Magazine (insert)].
PCjr World,software,IBM PC,compatible K. Seger and A. Mello "Charting the PCjr Software Course" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 114A chart is given as a guideline to help determine which IBM PC programs are compatible with the PCjr.
review,MultiLink,Intelliterm,Hostcomm,Remote Access,PCS/2000,RBBSL. Jordan "A Host of Hosts" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 132Review of host and bulletin board software: Hostcomm, Remote Access, RBBS-PC, PCS/2000, MultiLink, and Intelliterm.
word processor,Samna Word II,review M. Shinyeda "Play It Again, Samna" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 151Review of the word processor Samna Word II (by Samn Corporation).
word processor,ThinkTank,Living VideoText,outline,review J. Littman "ThinkTank" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 163Review of the `word processor' called ThinkTank (by Living Video-text, Inc.). Actually, this program is more than a word pro- cessor: in its simplest form it is a filing cabinet for outlines.
review,FORTRAN,compiler,IBM,Microsoft,SuperSoft C. Huizenga and C. Barnaby "But Is It Really FORTRAN?" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 172General overview of FORTRAN and review of: IBM FORTRAN Compiler, Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler, and SuperSoft FORTRAN Compiler.
TCS Total Accounting Package,review,business G. C. Hayles "Minding Your Business" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 186Review of TCS Total Accounting Package (by TCS Software).
finance,money,spreadsheet,investment,dividend A. T. Williams "Tracking Your Dividends" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 200A spreadsheet model is presented for keeping record of dividends and up-to-date information about how well your investments are doing.
assembly,TODAY.COM,date,text file,word processor,utility S. Manes "Making a Date" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 212A short assembly program (TODAY.COM) is given for writing the system date into a text file (i.e., ASCII)....which subsequently can be read by most word processing programs.
science,engineering,technical,Lotus 1-2-3,data,tutorial G. I. Ouchi "Lotus in the Lab" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 222This article demonstrates: 1)How to capture data from scientific instruments, 2)How to manipulate and display the data using Lotus1-2-3, 3)How to create an analysis logbook for data management.
help,Q&A,embedded space,graphics,PTR,attribute,Macro Assembler K. Koessel THE HELP SCREEN PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 2371)Renaming a file that contains a embedded space, 2)Unexpected "squiggles" in graphics printout (carriage return/linefeed codes)3)Use of the attribute operator PTR (IBM Macro Assembler).
help,Q&A,KEYFLAGS,SWAP,Linker,batch,file,BASIC,assembly,bug A. Wilcox and K. Koessel (Editors) STAR-DOT-STAR PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 2491)Bug in KEYFLAGS program, 2)BASIC Compiler 1.0 supports only twoSWAPs, 3)Bug in IBM Linker 2.00, 4)Batch files/compile & link BASIC or assemble & link source with 1 command,...see next record
help,Q&A,Lotus 1-2-3,numeric keypad,dBASE,square root,PROMPT A. Wilcox and K. Koessel (Editors) STAR-DOT-STAR PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 249....continued from previous record... 5)Lotus 1-2-3 macros for numeric keypad, 6)dBASE II square root, 7)Using PROMPT command, 8)BASIC subroutine: location of input filed,cursor on/off, & more
COMPAQ-Plus,portable,compatible,R. Canion,interview,insert E. Brown (editor) "COMPAQ Gets a 10" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 270Interview with COMPAQ President Rod Canion (by David Bunnell). [Also, insert by S. Cook entitled "The COMPAQ-Plus].
Compaq-Plus,portable,compatible,hard disk,shock,isolation,insert S. Cook "The COMPAQ-Plus" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 272Insert in "COMPAQ Gets a 10" (edited by E. Brown), takes a look at the specially designed shock isolation system imployed with the hard disk system.
portable,overseas,air travel,abroad F. D'Ignazio "Portables Abroad" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 280Experiences in taking a portable computer oversees.
user group,club,SIG,beginner L. E. Miller USER GROUP DISPATCH - "Meeting the Needs of the New User" PC World84/02 Feb v.2 n.2 293Because new members are always joining, many User Group meetings tend to get bogged down with the same old questions from the beg-inners. Some suggestions are given to alleviate this situation.
editorial,general D. Bunnell "De Facto Standards in the PC Jungle" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 13Commentary on IBM compatibility and de facto standards.
commentary,security,protection,LMS,telephone,hacker W. Cooke REMark - "The War Games of Computer Security" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 19Author claims that within the next ten years computer telephone calls will become expensive and "traceable" (using Local MeasuredService), so that "hackers" will be discouraged.
help,Q&A,tip,PC Talk,Hayes Smartmodem,communication LETTERS PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 25PC Talk III tip when changing communications parameters on the Hayes 1220B Smartmodem.
help,Q&A,key trapping,drive,speed,volume,label,Model 100,bug K. Koessel THE HELP SCREEN PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 371)Data transfer/Radio Shack Model 100 to IBM PC, 2)Bugs in Green-berg's "We Interrupt This Program", 3)Maintenance costs, 4)Disk speed/DOS 1 vs 2, 5)Volume labels, 6)Key trapping (<Ctrl><Break>)
furniture,do-it-yourself,workstation,book M. Medom PC WORLD VIEW PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 46Step-by-step instruction book for building a computer workstationis available from: CKB Projects, 28 Gould St., San Francisco, CA 94124 ($8).
Occam,Inmos,multitasking,concurrent,control-structured,review D. Benchley "Occam's Edge" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 60Review of Occam (by Inmos Corporation), a high-level language designed to simplify programming when multitasking is involved (a concurrent, control-structured language).
Smalltalk,Xerox,Apple,Lisa,review J. Fox "Big Ideas from Smalltalk" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 72Terse review of Smalltalk, which is both a language and an oper- ating system developed in 1973 by Xerox. Apple has developed a Smalltalk version for the Lisa. Soon available for the IBM PC.
printer,CR-II,NEC 2050,Transtar 130,TTX-1014,review,letter,LQP J. Martin and S. R. Schwartz "Good Impressions" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 84Review of four moderately priced letter quality printers: CR-II (Comrex International), NEC 2050 (NEC Information Systems), Transtar 130 (Transtar), and TTX-1014 (Teletex Communications).
spreadsheet,SuperCalc3,Sorcim,review B. Permar "SuperCalc3: A Step Up" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 103Review of SuperCalc3 (by Sorcim Corporation).
I.B.Magazette,Mentor,disk magazine,review K. R. Cook "Direct to Disk" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 114Review of two first-generation disk magazines that focus on the IBM PC: I.B.Magazette and Mentor.
game,review,Beneath Apple Manor,Frogger,Gridstar K. R. Cook "For Game Gourmets" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 126Review of the games: Beneath Apple Manor (by Quality Software), Frogger (by Sierra On-Line), and Gridstar (by GridSoft).
word processor,FinalWord,Perfect Writer,review,Mark,Unicorn W. Wallach "Not-So-Identical Twins" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 138Review of the word processing programs: The FinalWord (by Mark ofthe Unicorn) and Perfect Writer (by Perfect Software).
Perfect Writer,Speller,Filer,Calc,Library,word processor,review W. Wallach "The Almost-Perfect Library" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 150Review of the integrated package called The Perfect Library (by Perfect Software), consisting of Perfect Writer, Perfect Calc, Perfect Filer, and Perfect Speller.
macros,template,Lotus 1-2-3,spreadsheet,review E. Weiss "/X Marks the Macro" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 164Tutorial on macros for Lotus 1-2-3.
keyboard,definition,DOS 2.0,KEYS.BAT,utility,tutorial B. Mann "Changing Keys" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 179Tutorial on redefining the keyboard by means of KEYS.BAT (listed)(...and by studying Chapter 13 in the DOS 2.00 manual).
random number,BASRNDM.BAS,statistical,test,tutorial J. K. Mickelsen "Really Random" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 188Tutorial on testing random number generators. A BASIC program (BASRNDM.BAS) is given for applying three statistical tests to values generated by the RND function of IBM PC BASIC 2.00.
IBM Pascal Compiler,tutorial M. A. Covington "Taming the Pascal Compiler" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 202Tutorial on how to use the IBM Pascal Compiler (in spite of its inadequate documentation).
help,Q&A,graphics,free,speed,QUERY,branch,batch,WordStar K. Koessel and A. Wilcox (Editors) STAR-DOT-STAR PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 2141)Free picture graphics program, 2)Faster compiled-BASIC programs3)Assembly program (QUERY) enables y or n answer for branching inbatch files, 4)Leading periods in WordStar,...cont. next record..
help,Q&A,speed,Volkswriter,Perfect Writer,bug,PeachText,PATH,DOS K. Koessel and A. Wilcox (Editors) STAR-DOT-STAR PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 214....continued from previous record.... 5)Faster Volkswriter, 6)PeachText and PATH command of DOS 2.0, 7)Bug in Perfect Writer.
stock,market,finance,money,brokerage,communication,network N. Steidtmann "Brokerage Firms Go On Line" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 232Overview of PC access to on-line information in the stock broker-age business.
handicap,computer profession J. Littman "Open Doors" PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 244Article about various programs available for disabled and handi- capped people---programs that can lead to successful employment in the computer industry.
BBS,800 telephone numbers,Flight Simulator,bug,FORTH L. Cowan BBS WATCH PC World84/03 Mar v.2 n.3 2611)800 telephone numbers, 2)Flight Simulator bugs, 3)FORTH BBS.